Gallery of 2023 Finalists

Michel Zoghzoghi with “A life changing event”
Chris Porsz with “Barking”
Kenichi Morinaga with “the big boss”
Katia Pillonel with “Kylian's sleep”
Sophie Boynton with “When digging gets serious”
Kazutoshi Ono with “Victory”
Klaus-Peter Selzer with “the Three Greys”
Masayoshi Yamamoto with “Albert Enstein”
Kim Horstmanshof with “the 498th round of Hide and seek”
Kenichi Morinaga with “Football free kick”
Corinne Mooser with “So this is the source of happiness”
Darya Zelentsova with “The first outdoor walk”
Lana Polykova with “Oscar winning performance”
Felix Larcher with “Bidule as goal keeper”
Gill Woodcock with “Keep your eye on the ball”
Kazutoshi Ono with “Pop up”
Christine Johnson with “Ball play silhouette”
Karl Goldhamer with “Zorro reborn”
Lana Polykova with “A lovely couple”
Darya Zelentsova with “Little Daisy and her big future”
Monyque Macedo Dos Santos with “Is it a seal or a dog”
Jonathan Casey with “Edgar's dandelion”
Udo Krauss with “Who are you?”
Kerstin Leichtenmüller with “My face when my crush says hi”
John Young with “Flying poodle”